So Tom, the big boy turkey was gracefully butchered and feathered. Then we saved the organs and secondary meats for a stew, and stuffed the turkey for a feast with the roomates and neighbors. We weighed the turkey before stuffing and he was a whopping 41 lbs.
THe outdoor Cob Oven foundation was begun:
Meanwhile, check out the final layer on the EarthBag Cob bench -
Pretty pretty, huh. And the cats are at home wherever they are...and wherever they go they sleep or play.
OK, now back to the Oven. I added an arch to support the tunnel and door entrance.
And to make sure we knew how to proceed from here there were 3 test ovens. One was a Half-loaf oven, two were Mini Muffin Ovens.
Redeem your lost calories for a personal sized pizza at any of the following locations -
Cobtimous Prime Steak House and Pizzaria
...that's the only one. Sorry.
This oven is spectacular at night!
Here it is with a final mortar layer for protection -
And that wraps up this end of Summer update like a Chinese-Canadian wraps up their Calzone (i dare you to research that).
And on goes the mass of spinning earth as it falls into the colder and wetter season.
But some plants will never stop producing.
cheerio Chaps and Chicas,
Mr. Gaurdiner
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